Huffman Travel

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An Unusual Summer

"We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us"

Dear Friends and Travelers,

Here we are, still in the midst of a lot of craziness, in a world that hardly resembles the one we kicked off 2020 with. Despite all of the change and uncertainty, the one thing I do strongly believe is that we must travel, and we will travel…again.
When? Don’t we all wish we knew?
How? Definitely differently from how we did before.
Where? Right now, Americans are limited to where we can travel: the USA, Mexico, and the Caribbean mostly. Future: the world!
Why? Because we love it and grow from it. We are not meant for monotony and travel is proven to increase happiness.

We know that it might feel scary to plan for travel right now. There is so much uncertainty, yet so much opportunity at the same time. How can you dream...and how can we help you?

  • Ask us which hotels are doing a good job and let us help you decide where to go now.

  • Please remember, we live and breathe travel. No request is too small for us and there is no design fee for booking a hotel or a resort.

  • Allow us to be your advocate and obtain the best booking terms for your future trip.

  • Don’t forget that planning is part of the fun, and some exciting trips do take a long time to fall into place. It’s never too early to start!

Thank you to those of you who worked alongside us as we rebooked your canceled trips for later this year and 2021.
Thank you to those of you who have reached out recently for us to help you find a change of scenery. We have all become advocates for the USA – there is so much to see and do in our great country.
Thank you to our partners who own and operate hotels with whom we have been working in lockstep to redefine their booking terms to allow for maximum flexibility, until they can all, thoughtfully, reopen their doors.
Today more than ever, #TravelToLive

Shawna Huffman Owen
President & CEO
Huffman Travel