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21 Adventures of a Lifetime

by Geoffrey Ravoire, Luxury Travel Advisor & Marketing Manager

Let us help you with your personal Bucket List. Below are 21 Adventure of a Lifetime for inspiration…

1. Glide through the channels of the Okavango Delta in a traditional dugout canoe, or mokoro, and gaze up at dozens of elephants dotting its islands along the way.

2. Walk the Camino de Santiago, Spain, in search of peace, calm, and spirituality – or as a personal challenge.

3. Climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge, observe the Opera House from above, and descend only to board your private yacht cruise in the most mythical of harbors. 

4. Receive a blessing from a Buddhist monk after hiking to Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan. 

5. Zipline across the Zambezi River at Vic Falls. Not your average way of seeing the falls... but a thrill for adrenaline junkies! For those seeking a similar rush on the Zambian side, a dip in “Devil’s Pool” – a natural pool suspended just above the Falls’ ledge – is a must! 

6. Go ‘dune diving’ amongst the largest sand dunes in the world in Sossousvlei, Namibia. Explore the rugged Skeleton Coast searching for rare elephants and lions and discover the traditions of the Himba tribe.

7. Cross to the Antarctic Peninsula and observe curious penguins from a zodiac with a National Geographic guide. The penguins don’t fear you. They do not know men could ever be a threat - not any land creature around could be to these lucky birds. 

8. Kayak through remote Norwegian fjords and Swedish islets where large ships cannot enter. You might even find yourself taking a deep in the chilly but crystal-clear waters.

9. Climb to the top of Table Mountain (Cape Town) at sunrise and enjoy getting lost on this infinite plateau between ocean and sky.

10. Explore one of the most enchanting tiger habitats in India, where 80% of the world’s tiger population resides. Only the most intrepid travelers ever witness them in their natural habitat – hidden amongst vegetation, waterfalls, and the ancient ruins of civilizations past.

11. Dive the Great Barrier Reef, Australia from your private yacht.

12. Trek mountain gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda. Yes, this takes work and good shoes – but just imagine how lucky you would feel encountering a family of mountain gorillas and observing their social interactions!

13. Wake up in a chalet in the remote Alaskan wilderness, put your skis on, and draw the first traces in snow no one has ever skied before.

14. Swim with sea lions in The Galapagos and witness the conservation efforts supporting endangered species in a habitat made famous by Charles Darwin.

15. Rediscover America’s old west and learn the art of cattle drive and Mustang horse’s taming. 

16. Ski from refugio to refugio in Italy’s Dolomite Mountains. Discover incredible terrain for all ages and enjoy authentic Italian cooking every night as your reward. 

17. Dive in the Cenotes of the Yucatan. 

18. Helicopter over the Grand Canyon with a naturalist and hike some of the most protected spots of this breathtaking park.

19. Live the life of a gaucho in Uruguay or Argentina. Discover original estancias and enjoy the slow pace of life of the countryside and al fresco asados at night.

20. Witness the Great Migration between Kenya and Tanzania. 

21. Drive the Silk Road in Central Asia. Cross some of the highest passes. Meet nomadic people and marvel at the lost treasures of the ‘Stan countries.