Huffman Travel

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A Heartfelt Thank You from Huffman Travel

Dear Clients and Friends,
In the past few weeks, our phones have been ringing non-stop and our email inboxes overflowing. We could not be more proud of how the Huffman Travel team continues to navigate this very uncertain and unprecedented time. Our team of advisors are empathetic, thoughtful, compassionate, strong, creative, persistent, and very organized. We know in our hearts, that being advocates for our clients and doing the right thing, not only builds trust and loyalty, but that it is the only way to prevail when roadblocks arise. In our 24 years of business, we have witnessed many highs and lows, though each one unique, we have learned from each of these experiences, and believe they make us a better team. THANK YOU to our dream team!
If our team’s spirits are high, and we are ready to help wherever we can, despite the long hours, it is because we feel privileged to serve the absolute best people and clients imaginable. We all thank you profusely for being understanding, seeking and trusting in our guidance, and remaining open to traveling to protected destinations and embracing domestic travel. Although we often think of travel taking us to far-flung places, there is no better time than now to remember that America offers some amazing experiences and incredible National Parks — and that road trips are fun!  We believe travel inspires and we hope to help you continue to be inspired through travel, no matter how far or near you go. THANK YOU to our amazing clients!
And we would be remiss if we didn’t mention that one of the major reasons our team and clients can feel so confident in these trying times, is thanks to the support of our fabulous partners around the world. For every trip we design, we make sure to match the right client with the right local partner. These partners work tirelessly to ensure your experience in their country not only run smoothly, but that you experience memory-making moments that will last a lifetime. Each one of our partners have gone above and beyond to make sure our clients receive the best care while in-country, trying to return home. For many of you who have had to reschedule your trips, we thank our partners for your most flexible terms. We stand behind our partners more than ever for working tirelessly for us. THANK YOU to our outstanding partners!   
Travel may currently seem less accessible, and in some parts of the world it momentarily is, but remember that every restriction, directive, issue, is only temporary. We have been actively rescheduling trips, naturally, but at the same time, we are energized by helping you plan new trips. In the past few days only, we have received new requests for the Bahamas, Patagonia, West Africa, Florida, Arizona, and Hawaii – to name but a few. There are some fantastic options out there right now, and we are happy to see you planning ahead. 

Shawna Huffman Owen 
President & CEO
Huffman Travel

Tony Huffman
Founder & Chairman
Huffman Travel