Happy New Year!

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Dear Friends and Travelers, 

Happy New Year! In one way it is hard to believe that we really did it: we shut the door on 2020! My optimistic self is fueled by the belief that the vaccine rollout is underway, making the light at the end of this long tunnel shine more brightly each day despite the challenges that continue. 

For me, 2020 will be remembered as the year of dreaming virtually. Too much time spent at home and on electronics. My wish for 2021 is that we start to travel again in the way that feels right individually. There is no right or wrong way or time to travel again. I believe we all share a common desire to get out there and expand our world once again.  

While we will remember 2020 as a year when travel was halted, your Huffman Travel advisors didn’t stand still. We adjusted, we educated, we gave back, and we even traveled (Kenya, Great Barrier Reef, St Barths, Hawaii, Belize, Mexico, Jamaica... and all over the USA). We are here to help you when you are ready to jump back into traveling and are equipped to do so in a responsible and safe manner.



Shawna Huffman Owen



Ready, Set, Go!


Redefining Travel