Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go!.jpg

Dear Friends and Travelers, 

It’s hard to believe that it’s spring at last but when I look outside and see the trees budding, it is such a welcome sight. 

A year ago, we felt stuck in time, frozen by the fear of uncertainty. Today, I think we are all encouraged to see the world stabilizing and countries reopening, albeit slowly. It really does feel like it’s time to travel again! 

With each week that goes by, more friends and family are vaccinated, and reunions are being planned. Whether you are looking to travel near or far, you have options increasing by the week. While the focus of travel this summer remains largely domestic, there are a few countries that are welcoming US visitors (especially vaccinated ones). The conditions to enter vary and can often be more confusing than just picking what to pack, but trust me, it’s worth it. I am setting off on a Bucket List trip to Rwanda in 10 days and in the midst of jumping through many ‘hoops’ to get ready and ensure a smooth travel experience, but I’m determined! 

Your Huffman Travel advisors are here and ready to help you make the most of your summer travels. Please check your passports to make sure they are still valid (see Laura’s article below) - I can’t tell you how this year of ’travel pause’ has thrown many of us off our game of ensuring we are travel-ready. 




Shawna Huffman Owen



The Time for Nanotravel


Happy New Year!