The Time for Nanotravel


Dear Friends and Travelers, 

I can’t tell you what joy it brings us to be helping you travel the world again.

Last summer brought a heightened focus on the wonders of America, which provided endless memories and an appreciation for our amazing country. This summer, US travel continues, but many of you have also flexed your passports for the first time in a very long time. You are ready! It’s so much fun to plan these trips with you and even more fun to receive your updates during your travels. 

The trends we see emerging are wonderful: travel to see family, travel with extended family, and something we are calling “nanotravel”. Nanotravel refers to spending more time in one place. Soaking up the local culture and feeling a part of it. We are happily helping as many of you spend 30+ days in a destination as we are planning the more usual 10-14 night trips. One thing that’s common across all these trips: the resounding excitement to get back out there again!

Shawna Huffman Owen



Travel is Back!


Ready, Set, Go!