Our Rule Book for Travel Now
by Lauren Kroger, Luxury Travel Advisor & Social Media Manager
At Huffman Travel, we’ve always been advocates for responsible travel. Prior to 2020, responsibility translated to cultural awareness and sensitivity; minimized environmental impact in the form of sustainable hotel choices and carbon offsets, and partnerships with operators who ensure that economic benefits do, in fact, flow back to the local community. Now that Covid-19 has reshaped our world, responsible travel takes on a new meaning. We believe quite strongly that those who are ready to travel can – and should. Our own team has endeavored to lead the way on this front while working with you to do the same, and our collective experience has helped us come up with a new “Rule Book” for travel now.
“Huffman Travel has been even more important than usual this year because having confidence that the places you go are safe and thoughtful about the precautions necessary during the pandemic while obviously allowing travel, and having comfort that the various procedures involved in travel are understood and executed correctly, are critical in this very unusual time. Huffman Travel has helped us every step of the way with our several trips during the pandemic. Thank you so much!”
RELY ON US: If we could dispense just one piece of advice, it would be to rely on our team to know – not only which destinations are open – but which are excelling in our “new normal.” Was the hotel you’ve always loved able to retain the staff and level of service that made it so special? Is Destination X enforcing public health protocols in a way that will make your family feel comfortable during your vacation? Will the curfew in place in Destination Y make travel there worth your time and money? Things change every day, and just because a country’s borders are open does not necessarily mean that we recommend it for travel now.
BE SELECTIVE WITH WHERE YOU SLEEP: When planning your next trip with us, consider properties that offer stand-alone accommodation. Choosing a private residence, villa, or stand-alone cottage on the beach for your getaway makes it easier to separate your travel party from others, heightening your sense of safety and luxury. Many hotels with traditional room accommodations are knocking it out of the park, too. Just ask us which properties are respecting protocols and going above and beyond to make travelers feel safe.
RECONSIDER HOW YOU FLY: A study by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) showed that travelers are more likely to get struck by lightning than contract Covid on an airplane. Harvard researchers echoed those findings in this report, saying air travel “is as safe or substantially safer than the routine activities people undertake during these times” such as going to the grocery. Still – now’s the time to consider an upgrade to First Class to guarantee extra space onboard (and the all-important beverage service that has been suspended in lower classes of service). Of course, we are happy to arrange private charter flights for you as well. Some of our clients who haven’t considered flying privately in the past are successfully petitioning friends to travel with them and split the cost! Another trend that’s here to stay: luggage shipping, so you can minimize your time spent at the airport. We are strong believers in Luggage Free’s handling from your home to your destination and back.
PLAN BEFORE THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES: When a larger percentage of the population is vaccinated and travel restrictions loosen, we believe travelers will be split: Half will ask us to curate itineraries that place them in the pulsing heart of cities, surrounded by people and the energy they’ve so desperately missed. The other half will continue to relish distance from crowds and the peace of wide-open spaces like the American West, Patagonia, and East Africa. (Did you know that our favorite luxury ranches are now open through the winter? For instance, at Brush Creek Ranch, WY, you can ski on a private mountain!) While we remain committed to destinations like these in the short-term, availability in beloved destinations like Paris and the Amalfi Coast will go quickly when Americans get the green light to return to Europe. Now is the time to pursue flexible booking and cancellation terms for the late summer and fall.
PACK YOUR PPP AND YOUR PATIENCE: Pack your masks, hand-sanitizer, Trip Wipes, and snacks! There’s no denying that we’ll need these to protect both ourselves and those around us for a while, but those traveling now say the minimal impact of extra safety precautions on their experience is worth the freedom of exploring our world again. In fact, our team agrees that we appreciate travel and its restorative powers more now despite the hurdles. You will need to pack your patience along with your PPP. However, “expecting the unexpected” refers to much more than frustrating flight changes or small hiccups. Instead, those of you traveling now are reporting complimentary upgrades and over-the-top experiences with uber-appreciative and attentive staff.
GET TESTED: This is a no-brainer, both because it’s the right thing to do and because most states and countries now require it. We recommend using the Covid Consultants and Vault to guarantee a fast turn-around time prior to travel – but you’ll need to check with us to be sure results from home-collection PCR kits are accepted by your destination.
GATHER YOUR DOCUMENTS: There is more paperwork involved with nearly everything these days, and travel is no exception – from health declarations to pre-arrival forms. The State Department has also reported delays in passport processing due to unprecedented mail volume and impacts of Covid on the USPS. We recommend filing for a renewal at least 8—12 weeks prior to travel.