Food, Lifestyle Geoffrey Ravoire Food, Lifestyle Geoffrey Ravoire

We Have Reservations at Noma: a Story of Last-Minute Travel

While restrictions continue to shift by the minute, we sometimes have no choice but to plan with short notice. During the last two years, our role as advisors has shifted to accommodate that reality. We know that we are now even more adept at leveraging our relationships with global partners and advocating for clients, and that is what makes a flawless trip possible despite short lead times.   

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Travel Ideas, Lifestyle Geoffrey Ravoire Travel Ideas, Lifestyle Geoffrey Ravoire

Our Rule Book for Travel Now

Now that Covid-19 has reshaped our world, responsible travel takes on a new meaning. We believe quite strongly that those who are ready to travel can – and should. Our own team has endeavored to lead the way on this front while working with you to do the same, and our collective experience has helped us come up with a new “Rule Book” for travel now.

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Travel Ideas Geoffrey Ravoire Travel Ideas Geoffrey Ravoire

Make 2021 Extraordinary

There has been no other year in modern history that affected travel plans like 2020, and we thank you for weathering the storm with us. We see the light at the end of the tunnel and are so happy to be working with you to plan soul-satisfying travel once again.

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Africa, Adventure Travel Geoffrey Ravoire Africa, Adventure Travel Geoffrey Ravoire

A Once in a Lifetime Great Migration

Imagine a throng of wildebeest, zebra, and Thomson’s gazelle catapulting themselves down the steep banks of the Mara River. They’re exhausted from their journey, kicking up the dust as they run, but you can still see crocodiles snapping their jaws at the many hooves through the haze. Beneath you, the ground vibrates. Your excitement is visceral, born from a natural phenomenon as old as life itself.  

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9 Trips Best Planned More Than a Year in Advance

If there’s one thing we can be sure of in 2020, it’s that experiencing this planet is an enormous privilege which we will never againtake for granted. While we prepare for travel in America’s backyard in the short term, we’re also looking forward to experiences in remote destinations that celebrate nature as well as our own wellbeing. After all, who doesn’t need something to look forward to?

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Romantic, Africa Geoffrey Ravoire Romantic, Africa Geoffrey Ravoire

In Love in Africa

From our outdoor soaking tub overlooking the dotted landscape of Laikipia, wine glasses in hand, we watched a parade of elephants slowly amble into the sunset. Karibu, or welcome to Kenya, where moments like these make you feel as if there’s no place more romantic or secluded in the world. This is the Africa with which I fell head-over-heels in love — and the setting for the first, wild adventure of my married life.

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